The following apply as appropriate for the project scope:
1. HSE Management:
Ensure that HSE requirements are documented and understood by all project participants
Compliance with HSE procedures
Maintain HSE focus for project duration
2. Client Relationships:
Identify, document and communicate the client requirements
Effectively manage multiple stakeholders
Maintain and build healthy client relationships throughout the project and post completion.
Proactively resolve performance, scope, cost and schedule issues with the Client as they arise.
3. Commercial Management:
Effectively manage WorleyParsons/Client contract, including delivery of the budget gross margin.
4. Scope Management:
Manages an effective handover from Business Development Group
Clearly defines scope
Compliance with requirements of the contract
Effective change control process application
Manage and monitor project performance on an basis to ongoing basis to identify issues and opportunities early and take pre-emptive action.
Effectively manages project interfaces, including use of High Value Engineering centres.
5. Time Management:
Manage the planning of all scope elements of the project.
Develop resource & financial requirements from the project plan.
Manage the design, procurement and construction activities to meet the project schedule
Routinely monitor the key reports and development of corrective action plans
6. Cost Control:
Plan and prepare accurate project estimates.
Monitor and control all cost aspects of the project including forecasting costs, obtaining approvals, identifying trends, taking action to avoid cost overruns and identifying opportunities
Assess performance of cost control system & personnel.
7. Quality Management:
Define the project quality requirements.
Ensure the right systems are in place and that these are applied on the project.
Develop a project schedule which allows work to be executed in a logical sequence.
8. Team Management:
Provide clear and focussed leadership for the project team to create a vision for project success and a strategy to fit that vision.
Focus team on achievement of milestones and other key project objectives.
Provide mentoring and participate in staff performance evaluations.
Identify and implement training requirements
9. Communications Management
Effective communications with the project team.
Accurate, timely & effective progress reporting to the Client and internally to WorleyParsons management.
Ongoing monitoring of the communication network between project staff, the client and third parties and introduction of changes where required.
10. Risk Management:
Identify project risks and opportunities.
Monitor closure of all identified risks and opportunities.
Maintain the risk management focus throughout the project duration.
11. Design Management:
Set clear objectives for the design team.
Ensures design team aware of, and complying with, client’s Basis of Design and applicable regulations and codes.
Monitor design activities, interdiscipline data flow and communications.
12. Procurement/Subcontracts Management:
Set clear objectives for the procurement and subcontracts team.
Assess procurement process throughout the project to ensure goods meet specification, are delivered on time and are within budget.
13. Construction Management:
Set clear objectives for the Construction team.
Monitor the Construction Management function to ensure safe delivery of the project within cost and schedule objectives.
澳大利亚沃利帕森斯(以下简称WP) WorleyParsons(WP) ( www.worleyparsons.com )是世界最大的设计、工程咨询和项目管理公司之一,涉及化工、石化、冶金、电力、基础设施等领域的服务。公司在澳大利亚证券交易所上市(ABN 17 096 090 158)。在全球37个国家118个办公室有30,000多名员工。依托其技术专家、业务执行系统及广泛的资源可以为业主提供全方位服务。 WorleyParsons2009年销售额超过64亿澳元。位列2009年ENR全球前150家最大设计咨询公司排行榜第5名,前200家最大设计咨询公司国际业务排行榜第2名, 2010年全球前150家最大设计咨询公司海外电力业务排名第1。电力是WP的主业之一,在全球12个国家建立了21个分支机构,共有员工约2800人,其中在加拿大埃德蒙顿、保加利亚索非亚、美国瑞丁、新加坡、悉尼、北京建立了电力业务地区总部。100多年来,建设的机组容量约 192,800MW(740台机组),业务涉及核电、煤电、重油发电、联合循环(含IGCC)、机组改造。另外WP在烟气净化(脱硫/脱硝/脱汞)、特高压输电线路等方面也有丰富的经验。目前沃利帕森斯的电力业务已经进入中国, 2006年4月8日与山东院、山西院、河南院、鲁能院签订了在100万千瓦等级超临界机组电厂工程设计咨询技术转让合同。 美盛沃利(北京)工程设计有限公司(以下简称MWP) MWP是WP在中国的子公司(www.maisonworleyparsons.com),全面执行和支持沃利帕森斯在中国的业务。总部位于北京,同时在上海、天津、南京、沈阳、成都、鞍山、深圳、连云港设有分支机构,是目前中国大陆最大的外资工程公司,已执行或正在执行的项目超过400个,共有超过1600名员工。
职位名称 | 公司名称 | 招聘人数 | 工作地区 | 学历要求 | 性别 | 更新日期 | |
天海—项目经理 | 北京天海工业有限公司 | 2人 | 未填写 | 大专 | 不限 | 2024-09-26 | |
项目经理 | 昆山市贝色特材装备有限公司 | 1人 | 未填写 | 本科 | 不限 | 2024-09-28 | |
工程部-项目经理 | 沈阳远大立体车库有限公司 | 3人 | 辽宁沈阳市 | 大专 | 不限 | 2024-09-29 | |
立体车库项目经理 | 青岛连海液压机械有限公司 | 1人 | 山东青岛市即墨市 | 大专 | 不限 | 2024-09-29 | |
施工经理/项目经理 | 杭州福斯达实业集团 | 2人 | 浙江省杭州市余杭区 | 大专 | 不限 | 2024-09-28 |